My group for this project have decided on doing a discussion based podcast on social issues. We’ve decided on doing two 10 minute videos on two separate topics, abortion specifically if it’s ethical to abort a disabled child and about racial diversity in cinema through the black panther phenomena. These are both very debatable topics that everyone feels very passionate about so it would be a perfect discussion point.

Abortion has always been a touchy subject as a lot of people feel that it’s wrong. Abortion is the deliberate termination of a pregnancy, mostly it’s religious groups who oppose abortion as they believe life begins at conception. One of the key arguments for aborting disabled babies is that it’s a form of mercy. However, others believe that you should give the child a chance at life as most disabled people grow up to be empathetic and understanding members of society who want to give back and are a lot more grateful and appreciate life. These are both very compelling arguments from both sides that will be discussed.

Our second discussion point is going to be on racial diversity in film. The release of Black Panther has caused a cultural shift so we thought it would be a great talking point as the majority of people on the panel are POC. Racial representation has always been an issue in Hollywood, in most films the black person would be comedic relief or a caricature of what a black person is. Seeing black people being superheroes can help black youth feel empowered and find someone they can somewhat identify with. This film was a big step in promoting diversity. However it’s important to note that even though there was an almost all black cast the film wasn’t exactly a “black film”, most of the money grossed from the film is going to old non-black people who are most likely pandering to generate more attention to the film as it wasn’t as heavily advertised like other Marvel films.

Both of these discussion points could easily lead to a wider debate which will definitely help with the flow of the videos.